Jun 10Liked by Alex Olshonsky

Alex, this episode was phenomenal, just blew my mind, thank you! So much of what Manuela shared resonated with my own explorations and the approach I try to take with clients when I coach somatically. And so cool to learn she has Continuum movement experience—another of my meditation mentors, Camille Maurine is also a continuum teacher and dancer and she weaves that work in wonderfully too.

Between 2016 and 2019 I trained in somatic meditation with Dharma Ocean, and some of the teachers there mentioned Hakomi and even Manuela specifically. But I wasn't able to follow up back then because of the inaccessibility of it from where I lived. So excited that they are now opening up more online training! I have signed up to be kept informed, fingers crossed it works out.

All the best and keep going with everything you're offering.

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Ah, Vaishali, I'm so glad to hear this. I'm now so curious about Continuum; never done it personally. And dope, if you're overseas, Hakomi has a bunch of new online offerings - also do check out Emobdywise. Thank you, and, likewise!

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Not familiar with Hakomi but very familiar with somatic experience work. I look forward to taking a look. Thanks Alex!

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