Aug 4Liked by Alex Olshonsky

Hi Alex

It's been a little while since I have responded directly to any of your Substack Articles, the last being after your wonderful piece with Johnn Prendergast, however I have read or listened to pretty much everything you've put on Substack since and caught up with most of your Back Catalogue also and after just recently hearing your Interview with Brooks Barron on his Soulful Impact Podcast and your own very recent Podcast with Daniel Pinchbeck, an Author I've been aware of since 2002, I realised that I absolutely needed to find the time to write a small e-mail to commend you on what are easily amongst the best and most relavent pieces currently on Substack.

We originally as you are aware communicated briefly after the John Prendergast Interview which I thought was absolutely wonderful and since then your pieces have continued to be absolutely excellent.

The Brooks Barron Interview provided an excellent template to your Journey which allowed me to dot the i's and cross the t's a little on your own personal experience and what brought you this Juncture in your life and then just a few days ago notification of your Podcast with Daniel Pinchbeck dropped in my Substack Notifications and I knew straight away before even signing in that this was going to be absolutely riveting and right up my Street

I first became aware of Daniel Pinchbeck when I was going through a similar journey of uncertainty to your own, back in 2003 although arrived at as a result of different circumstances and came across Breaking Open the Head which I absolutely loved.

At that time I had only quite recently dived down a Taoist Spiritual Path to try and find the meaning of life and save me from my Self and my extremely addictive personality( Drugs & Sport) and I found Daniel's work illuminating and very in context with the more Eastern Leaning Taoist Literature that I was reading at the time.

Since then I've pretty much devoured everything that Daniel Pinchbeck has written and find it all pretty much excellent and always thought provoking.

Your Podcast with him was absolutely first class Alex. Since the beginning of the year when I mentioned to you that I had noticed a difference in your writing and interviewing style around the time of the John Prendegast Inerview, your writing, interviews and Casts have just become better and better.

It is almost as if you have now become the, "Driving Vehicle" for the Spiritual Space where a lot of your Work, Essays & Interviews resides and to be communicated through without personal interference driven by Ego, Intellect or Power. Instead a Wonderful Experiental Presence just allows a beautiful communication on the plane of pure awareness without desire blurring any of the edges. Absolutely Brilliant Alex. You've definitely found your space, your calling, your purpose.

Keep up the great work.

Kindest Regards.


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Mark, I wanted to let this digest for a few days before responding. I'm so glad you found and listened to the convo with Brooks. That one felt particularly deep and vulnerable.

I appreciate hearing about your Taoist practice history and the relief it provided from drugs and sports.It seems we have a lot in common. My main meditation practice and training these days is based on a Taoist "natural dharma," which essentially just asks me to get out of my own way and allow the ever-intelligent creative life force to flow.

I can't thank you for this note enough. I've re-visited on different days, finding new inspiration each time. I feel better about my work knowing you are on the other end of it.

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Hi Alex.

Thanks for taking the time to write a detailed reply and for your kind words.

Yes I think in many ways our paths have been quite similar, reaching out to Eastern Spiritual Meditation Techniques as a coping mechanism to balance addictive practices garnered from a win at all costs programmed western mindset. ( but from slightly different directions).

Unlike you though I didn't arrive at Taoism via a quest for a better way after having initially dipped my toe into a Traditional Western 12 Step Programme. I had always previously felt no alignment to this mindset or method based around monotheistic type practice and therefore through personal inquiry and an interest in Spritual Philosophy in general, ended up at the Door of Taoism for one reason or another.

Over the following 25 years or so after my Intoduction to Taoist Practice, I also, to a large extent  became involved with Dharma Meditation Work, but supplemented with Zhuanqi breathwork practice and Microcosmic Orbit Energy Circulation Work as my Interest broadened to encompass the Chinese Internal Arts of Tai Chi Chuan, Zing Yi Quan and Bagua Zhang, both from a Martial / Healing perspective and as a means to help me comprehend , " Life" in general.

However I suppose like a lot of Internal Experiental Workers & Teachers I became better at teaching & advising others than actually listening and following my own advice.  (LOL)

That lack of listening certainly led to my further traumatic accident approximately 2 years ago, discussed with you briefly previously, from which I have just been on a Journey to recovery since, but mainly Physicaly rather than Internally as before. 

Anyway enough about me. I think you certainly have found your place Alex. Your Interviews and Podcasts on fairly difficult subjects for the average Western mind to contemplate and comprehend  and explain are just excellent, as is your written word in general. You are fluid, fluent, with brilliant oration & without barely a sidestep or misstep, plus your timing and space whether as interviewer or as Interviewee is absolutely spot on. 

You are exactly where you should be no doubt!!

Enjoyed taking to you.

Kindest regards and best wishes as your journey progresses.

Also Congrats on recently becoming a Father


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Jul 31Liked by Alex Olshonsky

Dude wow, can't wait to listen to this!!

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Thanks my guy

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