You're precisely on point about it exploding in the last decade—right at the advent of social media and algorithmic limbic hijacking around the early 2010's. Thank you, Amod.
You're precisely on point about it exploding in the last decade—right at the advent of social media and algorithmic limbic hijacking around the early 2010's. Thank you, Amod.
Absolutely. I've been writing a philosophy blog since 2009, and when I started it I generally felt free to speak my mind and search for the truth wherever the exploration led. Over the course of the following ten years that ceased to be the case. I think things have lightened up a bit in the past year or two (and the rise of Substack has helped with that), but the pressure to toe the line was already strong in 2014-15 and got a lot worse after the 2016 election.
You're precisely on point about it exploding in the last decade—right at the advent of social media and algorithmic limbic hijacking around the early 2010's. Thank you, Amod.
Absolutely. I've been writing a philosophy blog since 2009, and when I started it I generally felt free to speak my mind and search for the truth wherever the exploration led. Over the course of the following ten years that ceased to be the case. I think things have lightened up a bit in the past year or two (and the rise of Substack has helped with that), but the pressure to toe the line was already strong in 2014-15 and got a lot worse after the 2016 election.