Not that u need validation but best post so far 😊

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Alex Olshonsky

One of my faves to date, bro! ❤️

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Agreed. Your best piece yet. I LOVE the mention of "sacred work", of a calling, & esp. Beuchner's quote. And as for the writing, it was so visceral, so palpable. You wrote with a grounded sensibility, a bodily intensity that felt so much more powerful than anything I've read previously of yours.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by Alex Olshonsky

Alex, I've been revisiting this post, one of favorites from you. Extremely good. Thank you for putting your words out there. They make me feel validated.

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I'm from Maryland and live in Nevada City too!

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Alex Olshonsky

Love the honesty, humor, and bearing witness to (parts) of your journey. You are courageous brotha, and it's amazing to see where it's taking you and others!

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Alex Olshonsky

This has come at just the right time for me. Thank you.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Alex Olshonsky


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You have to be where your spirit can run free, you have found your corner of the sky!

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Agreed. Opportunism is the key word here.... Nothing wrong with being resourceful, capable, competent. But when all these qualities serve or profit ONLY a single individual or the bottom line, it becomes a cancer on a collective dimension, in the community's soul. It's nothing more than a misplaced infatuation with "success". The Taoism speaks to this.

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