This is the best take I've read yet. Much appreciated.

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Thank you, Sascha

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Alex, I just write to say gracias. There are some awesome people here on Substack, but man! You just wrote a piece that felt like my own voice speaking. It feels like Grace to experience this level of resonance. And I know that it take practice, courage, trust and openness to get to this level of clarity.

I write to thank you, and to affirm you, to encourage you to keep going. There are more of us feeling our way through and into this moment. Not all of us writers. And it is good we are finding each other.

Blessings to your partner and child.

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Gibran, man, thanks so much for this note, I can't tell you how encouraging it is to receive.

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Really good analysis Alex. This caught me eye:

“We’re witnessing both a mental health crisis and an awakening of consciousness unlike anything in history—depression and enlightenment in a strange, codependent relationship.”

I wrote something recently about our codependent culture.


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Ah, Dee, this is very cool, and I agree with your take broadly about our culture being woefully codependent (psychologically). In that sentence you referenced, I was alluding more to "codependent arising" from Buddhism, which has less of a negative bent, and more of just you can't have one without the other

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Thanks for clarifying Alex. Fair points all around.

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Yes, thank you!

I just finished listening to a talk by Adi Da for the umpteenth time, in which he brilliantly makes the point that, “point-of-view is the error of science and religion.” Or more generally he has made that “point-of-view” is the error of egoity, or the irreducible identification of Consciousness with the body-mind.

“Reality tunnels”, “perception boxes”, whatever you want to call it… The digital age has completely collapsed and converged every point-of-view into the same “room” and the ego-in-everyone is freaking out!!

The lowest common denominator of social-egoity is Tribalism, or elitist Nationalism, which is the fuel and fodder of every opportunistic political operative/ power seeking ego-maniac!

Thank you for sharing a wee bit of optimism amidst the current social-political shit-show. A transpersonal awakening is certainly necessary if our species is to survive. Unfortunately the current set-up clearly indicates that there will be a helluva lot more suffering and chaos before this simple truth becomes obvious: we are all in the same boat, regardless of our patterned point-of-view. 👐🏼

In one of my last conversations with Adi Da twenty years ago, he said to me, “when there is no illusion of a self making thoughts 💭… that’s Realization.”

The always thinking ego-“I” is the ultimate illusion and the foundation for everything conventional and unconventional point-of-view. Love, Truth, and Reality doesn’t take sides. 💜

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David, can you link me to the Adi Da talk please? Would love to check it out. I have much respect for his teachings. One of my friends was named by him, and grew up in a spiritual community around one of his students.

And yup, you nailed it on the transpersonal front. Thank you so much for this note. <3

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Finally back on retreat! below is a link to the part of the talk by Adi Da that I was referencing in my comment Alex. Adi Da has spoken volumes about tribalism, scientific materialism, and naive realism, and I have curated dozens of audio and video clips on this important subject. Many of these talks are still available from the Dawn Horse Press…

Best wishes,



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Welcome back, and thank you so much for remembering to follow up with this! Can't wait to listen. Have a beautiful holiday, David.

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I’m on the road at the moment Alex but happy to link you up… When I get back to my computer I will private message you on substack.

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Excellent read. The most human-centred thing I've read on the internet in a long time. Thank you Alex for giving voice to such important perspectives and truths.

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Much respect. Thank you, Lauren, for this comment.

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Thank you, Alex. This is a brilliant read. I appreciate the clarity you offer. I haven’t read a Ken Wilber although I am familiar with postmodern critique. We do live in a Post Truth political landscape which requires adaptation. I’ll definitely check out the book you linked. I love how you brought the piece back to your son — how he’s looked at his hands a thousand times. That paragraphs says so much about what we’re up against. We have children that are born innocent. They looks at a world full of promise and innocence. It’s important to consider what the legacy of a Trump administration will have on the next generation.

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If you're new to Wilber, I might actually start with A Brief History of Everything or No Boundary. They are less Trump focused, but probably the best intro to his work. And thank you so much, Anna.

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Thank you for the recommendation to his work.

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Yes well expressed. Captures more of this moment in the larger sense. A zeitgeist arises perhaps whether to frame it as Metamodern or something even beyond that remains to be seen.

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Agree, metamodern is one just one my fav terms, but it's limited as any other

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True nevertheless useful to a certain point if its employment sparks further exploration. I tend to see the modern through post to meta as the arc of a singular epoch perhaps nearing culmination in our time. The name of the emerging one to be determined.

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I like the quote, "all models are wrong, but some are useful." It's also interesting that metamodernism still hasn't made much of a dent in academic institutions. I think you're right we'll see something new emerge

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If you follow mundane astrology you’ll have noticed the Gupta over the current emerging outer planet configuration. It’s a 500 year cycle. The last time the same pattern came into form was the beginning of the Renaissance. Now that pattern heralds a new … what?

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