On a topic of meta-language, I would suggest a book "metaphors we live by". It suggests that all language we use are just metaphors and looks into specific example, e.g. how saying "I am running our of steam" equates your mind to complicated controllable machine. It then wonders how this influences the way we see the world.
Language, after all, is just a compressor of a very complex reality!
Ohh, that is by George Lakoff, isn't it? I dig his work. Followed him a bunch pre-pandemic, but haven't read his book nor revisited him in a while, so thank you for putting this on my radar. Thank you, Svitlana, with a deep bow
This essay made my day, especially the fact that you worked in a Harry Potter reference. I am always secretly thinking about how Harry Potter is the key to understanding everything. Thank you!
Entirely agree, HP is the key to understanding most things. Also, I just finished listening to this, which was fascinating and just exceptionally well-produced. I think you will dig: (The Witch Trials of JK Rowling: https://open.spotify.com/show/2K186zrvRgeE2w0wQjbaw7?si=a4320f865cf14ea2). With palms pressed together
I mainlined this podcast when it first came out, a totally guilty pleasure! I really appreciated the production format (I usually loathe podcasts) and felt the editorial bias was at least performed transparently by MPR. I was also riveted by the hour-long rebuttal video to the series by ContraPoints: https://youtu.be/EmT0i0xG6zg
I am contendedly in the middle of the whole debate on this one. In my view JK is an undisputable literary genius with a terrible Twitter habit. I'm reading the whole HP series out loud to my kid right now, a long-awaited milestone as a parent. 🪄
Ha, a guilty pleasure, indeed, right into the cultural flames. With you here too on your assessment, especially on the editorial bias. And omg, sharing HP in that way must be so special, I cannot think of a better way to re-read the books!
My father used to say something that has stuck with me to this day: "Words have power."
And that power can be constructive and blissful, or destructive and necrotic. Lies, like you said, carry with them those necrotic elements that eat away at us from the inside, causing us to further disassociate from who we really are, until we no longer recognize the person staring back at us in the mirror.
On a topic of meta-language, I would suggest a book "metaphors we live by". It suggests that all language we use are just metaphors and looks into specific example, e.g. how saying "I am running our of steam" equates your mind to complicated controllable machine. It then wonders how this influences the way we see the world.
Language, after all, is just a compressor of a very complex reality!
Thanks for as always beautiful writings!
Ohh, that is by George Lakoff, isn't it? I dig his work. Followed him a bunch pre-pandemic, but haven't read his book nor revisited him in a while, so thank you for putting this on my radar. Thank you, Svitlana, with a deep bow
Yes! Exactly that one. Looking forward to potentially hearing your thoughts on it throughout your writings!
This essay made my day, especially the fact that you worked in a Harry Potter reference. I am always secretly thinking about how Harry Potter is the key to understanding everything. Thank you!
Entirely agree, HP is the key to understanding most things. Also, I just finished listening to this, which was fascinating and just exceptionally well-produced. I think you will dig: (The Witch Trials of JK Rowling: https://open.spotify.com/show/2K186zrvRgeE2w0wQjbaw7?si=a4320f865cf14ea2). With palms pressed together
I mainlined this podcast when it first came out, a totally guilty pleasure! I really appreciated the production format (I usually loathe podcasts) and felt the editorial bias was at least performed transparently by MPR. I was also riveted by the hour-long rebuttal video to the series by ContraPoints: https://youtu.be/EmT0i0xG6zg
I am contendedly in the middle of the whole debate on this one. In my view JK is an undisputable literary genius with a terrible Twitter habit. I'm reading the whole HP series out loud to my kid right now, a long-awaited milestone as a parent. 🪄
Ha, a guilty pleasure, indeed, right into the cultural flames. With you here too on your assessment, especially on the editorial bias. And omg, sharing HP in that way must be so special, I cannot think of a better way to re-read the books!
My father used to say something that has stuck with me to this day: "Words have power."
And that power can be constructive and blissful, or destructive and necrotic. Lies, like you said, carry with them those necrotic elements that eat away at us from the inside, causing us to further disassociate from who we really are, until we no longer recognize the person staring back at us in the mirror.
Brilliant and insightful as usual, Alex.
Necrosis: the death of a living tissue -- so perfect, thank you for this, B!
I thought you were being sarcastic regarding the Wikipedia page. Nope. It really is superb.