Hey Alex.

just fairly recently came across your Substack after Subscribing to Julia Christina from The Journey after discovering her Posts through a common Interest in Conciousness and the possible Use and Effects of Psychedelics in an aid to Conscious Awareness.

Was made aware of several other Substacks through the Journey Subscription that were treading similar paths and I am now signed up to most of these from over in the UK, including your Deep Fix Substack.

Have now been enjoying it for a few weeks over the Holiday Period and like the breadth and extent of your Back Catalogue.

However I notice a definite change in your writing (content and style) including Podcasts, over the last month or so compared with some of your earlier work and I must say that personally I find myself really deeply resonating and connecting with some of your more recent stuff.

Your conversation with Holly Whitakar during inteview was fabulous and I absolutely loved both your discussion with Gregory Roberts and your Post on, "The Year I Stopped Knowing".

However it wasnt really until I had listened to your most recent Post with your Interview of John Prendergast that I truly became aware of how Special your Substack really is.

What a wonderful interview Alex with who is quite clearly an etremely Sentient Individual. I love your clear comprehension of the advice John gave to your quest for Knowledge and Understanding of Information that is firmly on an Experiental Plain.

Like you I am a Seeker from the UK, but unlike you I can't Write!

My background is in Mountains, and I worked as a Mountain Guide for many Years, but always felt a little something missing and hence probably my initial interest in Consciousness and its link to Pscycedelics, or possibly more Vice Verse.

However after a very series injury last year through stupidity probably, I finally realised one of my main lessons was to listen. It just took a long while to finally sink in!!

Keep up the Great Posts and First Class Interviews.

All the Best.


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Mark, damn, I cannot tell you how incredible this note is to receive. There's definitely been a shift in my interests (and approach) over the last ~1.5 years. The fact that you noticed and named it here, though, has provoked something inside me. I'll need to feel around it to see how it might inspire future essays/convos. Also, mountain guiding - hell yes! I'm an outdoorsman at heart, in practice, too. More surfing and small hills these days around the Bay Area than mts, however. And you write just fine, my friend. Thank you again - so so so much. Notes like these make this online work worth it.

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Cheers Alex. Glad you appreciated the comments. Keep up the Wonderful Posts. Never tried Surfing. Not many decent wave breaks off Scotland and the waters always cold 🥶, though it does look thrilling in big waves and I'm sure the sensation will be similar to Boarding or Ski-ing an Extreme Line! Climbing and Steep Skiing were always my main adrenaline rush which I suppose helped provide an escape and a search for meaning. BTW Thank you for your kind words re my writing. Pen to Paper, or Finger to Keyboard in an articulate way whilst remaining interesting and involving as certainly never come naturally to me.

I'm sure we'll speak again.


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Hey Alex, I started this last week and got distracted by life. Just finished it today and wow! So cool and very helpful. I appreciate your vulnerability being a live guinea pig in there too :)

I especially love the parts about coming back down from the transcendent, into the bittersweet world. It feels so right every time I hear it. I reckon it's what I was missing in my earlier forays into buddhism, which left it feeling not so relevant.

"The only interest is to be intimate with our experience. And the rest takes care of itself." Love that!

Thanks for this ep and for introducing me to John & his work. So glad you're doing this podcast and can't wait to see who your next guest is.

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Haydn, thank you so much. This is extremely encouraging to hear, especially because long-form podcasting is a new format for me. I think you will love Jonn's book, The Deep Heart. Appreciate you

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Truly grateful to be have been introduced to John Prendergast's journey and work. Love his simple, unpretentious, eclectic approach. I sense his deep integrity - a genuine congruency between feeling, sensing and thinking. After listening to the podcast I immediately ordered a copy of his book: "In Touch: How to Tune In to the Inner Guidance of Your Body and Trust Yourself." His approach comes across like a seamless blend of Bruce Tift (Already Free) and Philip Shepherd (Radical Wholeness: The Embodied Present and the Ordinary Grace of Being)

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That's a great description and combo of teachings to blend with! So glad to hear about the resonance, thank you, Larissa

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Alex, just finished listening. You have a nice style of interviewing others. Thank you for sharing the work of John Prendergast. I am a life long learner, spiritual seeker this talk is inspiring, filled with nuggets of wisdom, ideas to ponder. Look forward to reading more of his work. This conversation will be listened to again.

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I think you will love his book The Deep Heart, Barbara, and thank you!

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Alex I will read. Love the path you are on. Even as a youngster you had a special spark.❤️🙏❤️

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Fully in this. THANK YOU

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