This is beautiful to see, Alex!

I love the focus on mild-to-moderate modern addictions, which all of us have.

I also appreciate you walking the spectrum from soul-level perspectives to tactical interventions.

Thank you for your wonderful work.

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I deeply appreciate this. Thank you, Dom, for giving me some wind beneath my sails

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This is so awesome and so needed 🙌🏼 moving the needle for real

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Love and respect, Dia!

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May 24Liked by Alex Olshonsky

“As I’ve consistently highlighted in my writing, addiction is best understood as a spectrum rather than a binary, yes-or-no condition. In our contemporary culture, which is rife with high-voltage temptations, virtually everyone today falls somewhere along this continuum.”

💯 Alex. Well done. 👍

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Thanks so much, Dee!

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